Mustafa Ibrahim -
| 08.04.2024

Six Months of Genocidal War on Gaza: A Facade of Israeli Victory

Thousands of Palestinians have been arrested in the past six months, subjected to harsh measures such as humiliation and torture. Laws have been amended to suit security needs, and around 20 detainees have been killed in inhumane conditions.
Port of Beirut Suspicious Tender: French Company Bids Against Itself, Wins by Acclamation
| 22.04.2024
The Hypocrisy Behind Netanyahu Bringing Up the Armenian Genocide
Vicken Cheterian
| 19.04.2024
Withdrawing Without Depositing: Financial Liquidity Shortages in Gaza Increase Exchangers’ Exploitation
Mostafa Al-Dahdouh
| 18.04.2024
The Ordeal of a Syrian Refugee in Lebanon: Assad Regime on One Side, Racism on the Other
Sarah Hossam
| 12.04.2024
The Profit-Based Scheme Behind the Smale-Scale Transfer of 36,000 Gazans to Egypt
| 04.04.2024
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