
Out of Breath: Power Cuts in Lebanon Threaten Lives

Unable to breathe, Ahmad woke up in the middle of the night suffocating and was…

Egypt: A Thousand Eyes are Watching Any Woman Living Alone

The recent killing of a young female doctor in Cairo was no incident. It was…

“Look, it’s the perfect size: it fits in the hands of an honest man.”

Camille had a breast reduction for medical reasons. The surgeon promised her a “harmonious look,”…

A Jinni Killed Israa Gharib!

In August 2019 the horrifying murder of Israa Gharib outraged Palestinians. In February 2021, they…

Yemen : Terrifying Crimes Targeting Women Shake Country to the Core

The one maimed by acid. The other burnt alive. Two recent crimes targeting Yemeni women…

Lokman Slim’s Assassination: A Warning

The bullets in Slim’s head reinforce the same message already made clear by a string…

I Got “Corona” in Egypt: Isolation, Favoritism, Death and Destruction

This is my journey with a virus, that is no more than a few nanometers…

“Black Wave”: Kim Ghattas traces the origins of the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran

Kim Ghattas could not have chosen a more optimal timing to unveil her latest work,…

Lebanon: New government must act now or risk security forces adopting their Syrian counterparts’ playbook

As I have been watching events unfurl in Lebanon I can’t help but ask myself:…

The Khashoggi Crime: The Day of Acquitting the Culprits

Why was Al-Qahtani acquitted from the murder of Jamal Khashoggi? Who will benefit from this?

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