mental health

Lebanon: Suicide as a Survival Tactic

Psychotherapist Hammam Farah explains that suicide attempts are a reflection of a deep desire to…

Refugees and Mental Health; Post-traumatic Stress, Crises and Diaspora

“In Syria, seeing a therapist is considered a sign that you’re crazy”. Abdulaziz wishes mental…

The Last Straw: Quarantine and The Rise Of Suicides in Morocco

“Factors of suicide overlap, pile up, accumulate and get complicated until the person who is…

Coronavirus: Will We Survive the Collective Trauma?

People have been discussing the notion that this pandemic might have taught them a lesson…

Syria: Mentally Challenged Girls Undergo Forced Hysterectomies for Fear of Rape and Menstruation

This report documents the cases of mentally challenged Syrian girls who have been forced to…

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