Gilbert Achcar
| 06.05.2024

Under the Pretext of “Antisemitism”, the Suppression of the Palestinian People is Accompanied by an Attempt to Suppress the Defense of their Cause

The intensity of reactions from pro-Israel circles against that movement is only a confirmation of the importance of this development, which it would not be exaggerated to describe as historic.
Murder on Mobiles in Sudan: Families Commit Crimes Against Girls in Darfur for Possessing a Phone
| 08.05.2024
A Gang Exploits Minors through TikTok in Lebanon: A Race Between Hypothetical and Actual Justice
Marwa Saab & Zainab Chmiss
| 07.05.2024
Gaza’s Thirst Quenched by Polluted Water
Esraa Al Araj
| 29.04.2024
Port of Beirut Suspicious Tender: French Company Bids Against Itself, Wins by Acclamation
| 22.04.2024
The Hypocrisy Behind Netanyahu Bringing Up the Armenian Genocide
Vicken Cheterian
| 19.04.2024
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