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Technology & Innovation

Esraa Al Araj
| 25.06.2024

The Livelihoods of Gazans and Their Work Lost in the Wake of War

The events of October 7 changed the metrics for unemployment and all work in Gaza, as the unemployment rate rose to unprecedented levels according to
| 24.06.2024

Arbitrary Eviction Notices: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Forced to the Streets

Decisions of "arbitrary eviction" or "expulsion" come amidst escalating hate speech against Syrian refugees from various political factions in Lebanon, demanding their return to Syria,
Angel Gerges
| 18.06.2024

The Collective Memory Of Women in War

In "The Collective Memory of Women in War", we document everything that is unexpected in wars—things that seem marginal for women and girls, experiences of
Mohamad Abu Shahmah
| 17.06.2024

Alzheimer’s Patients in Gaza: Victims of Airstrikes and Arrests

Karim learned from the civil defense that his mother, who also suffered from Alzheimer's, was martyred by the same missile, and someone had taken her
Salah Hasan Baban
| 12.06.2024

Crude Oil Refineries Belonging to Influential People in Iraqi Kurdistan Double Cancer Cases

"If thorough examinations were conducted on the region's inhabitants, we would discover the extent of the catastrophe we are living in, with primitive refineries emitting
Zeina Allouch
| 11.06.2024

The TikTok Child Trafficker Case: How We Let the Children Down Once Again

Contradictory information about how these cases were handled underscores our failure to put children's best interests first. Instead, as always, at the expense of protecting
Ayman Mhanna
| 05.06.2024

On The Battle for The Freedom of Press: “We Will Persist, Even if We Are a Minority”

On June 4, the Executive Director of the Samir Kassir Foundation, Ayman Mhanna, gave a closing speech on the importance of the battle for the
Mohammad Ibrahim
| 03.06.2024

Legal Violations and Health Damages: Heated Tobacco Products Enter the Egyptian Market

After British American Tobacco launched its heated tobacco product, adhering to the executive regulations of Law No. 52 of 1981 concerning tobacco harm prevention and
The Livelihoods of Gazans and Their Work Lost in the Wake of War
Esraa Al Araj
| 25.06.2024
Arbitrary Eviction Notices: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Forced to the Streets
| 24.06.2024
Alzheimer’s Patients in Gaza: Victims of Airstrikes and Arrests
Mohamad Abu Shahmah
| 17.06.2024
Crude Oil Refineries Belonging to Influential People in Iraqi Kurdistan Double Cancer Cases
Salah Hasan Baban
| 12.06.2024
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Relationships & Sexuality

The Livelihoods of Gazans and Their Work Lost in the Wake of War
Esraa Al Araj
| 25.06.2024
Arbitrary Eviction Notices: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Forced to the Streets
| 24.06.2024
Alzheimer’s Patients in Gaza: Victims of Airstrikes and Arrests
Mohamad Abu Shahmah
| 17.06.2024
Crude Oil Refineries Belonging to Influential People in Iraqi Kurdistan Double Cancer Cases
Salah Hasan Baban
| 12.06.2024
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