One Mistake Created Both “Corona” and “ISIS”…

Hazem El Amin
Lebanese Writer and Journalist
Published on 30.03.2020
Reading time: 6 minutes

‘ISIS’ killed and moved on, the way viruses do. It resides in one place after it did what it did, and killed what it killed. Scientists expect a similar path for ‘Corona’.

A researcher who studies viruses created by modernity, or post-modernity, may discover a relationship between the Coronavirus and ISIS. This is because they were both born within the context of modernization, where the regime that produced them could not detain them under their control. As a result of these two births, numerous similar images have come out, in terms of operating according to their own particular logic, flowing in a similar way, transmitting parallel doubts and suspicions about everything.

Yes, ISIS operated almost epidemiologically. Today, due to the birth of Corona, we can say this. When ISIS captured Mosul, only a few dozens of its inhabitants were affiliated with it, but on the morning of its first day of occupation, the organization spread in the city, and the inhabitants tossed their clothes away and threw on its uniform. And then on the first day of the city’s liberation from it, the inhabitants were in shock, as if a virus had just been pulled out of their throats!

The world is losing its ability to entrap this phenomena. Science fiction movies have turned into interpretation tools that we have to believe. The Corona shock perhaps created a shift. We said that when ISIS was born, but the world resumed its life after the virus became dormant.

Corona, in turn, is a swooping epidemic. The two crossed the borders without caring about their conditions for crossing. They boarded airplanes and entered cities without any actual wars. They chose points we never imagined could be isolated, and sought assistance from what their opponents had created in humans. ISIS hates the cinema, and kills all who work within it, but it employed it to create its own brand. ‘Corona’ did not need its own brand, but it is fighting its battle with the “system” in its own home. The first to be targeted were heads of governments, children of kings, ministers, doctors and sports stars. It did not care for immunities, nor asked the guards’ permission.

They are both the offspring of the delinquent modernity, disobeying it and its interpretations. They have both exposed everyone’s fragile immunities. ‘Corona’ hit Rome and Madrid after it was born in China, and today it is at the gates of Paris and London. Who ever said that this was possible? ISIS has also attacked these same cities, although it was born in Iraq. The truncated, enormous and expandable areas under their control is also similar. In European cities, something was occurring behind the walls, in the shadows of the education, work and immigration systems, that has given birth to hundreds of fighters and suicide bombers in the regime’s absence, and sometimes within their sight. In these cities too, Corona abused the vulnerability of this system and its weakness in controlling the outbreak, so it worked with the assistance its transportation methods and hospitals, and killed its doctors before it killed its patients.

It occurs to man that one mistake brought about the twin viruses. A political, social and psychological virus, and another a viscous, invisible biological virus. They were born from the absence of order, and humanity’s movement towards the abnormal. ISIS is entirely a product of modernity. It is a totally new model, one that does not belong to any previous model that has preceded it in violence. It was created out of everything, and out of nothing. Corona in turn, is also a new virus, undoubtedly born in a biologically similar moment, and it certainly spread with the help of everything new. The mistake is the same, and as humankind was stunned by the quick infiltration of ISIS and the ease with which it spread virally, today it is stunned once more, but on a larger, more effective scale.

Though the viruses were born within the system’s blind spots, they were also born in it’s womb. This is what all interpretations have resolved so far, even if they did not find a clear context of their formation or birth.

There is a fundamental imbalance in the system that runs this planet. Incomprehensible creatures, like Corona and ISIS, appear in the same decade and destroy everything, which must be the result of serious dysfunction. At times, it appreard to us that ISIS could invade the whole world, and that the latter would be an accomplice to ISIS itself, and here we are today in the same predicament, in an even more painful and dreadful manner. Though the viruses were born within the system’s blind spots, they were also born in it’s womb. This is what all interpretations have resolved so far, even if they did not find a clear context of their formation or birth. ‘ISIS’ killed and passed, the way viruses do. It resides in one place after it did what it did, and killed what it killed. Scientists expect a similar path for ‘Corona’. It will continue existing, but it will stop spreading! But humanity will not be immune to a new creature, that is perhaps more deadly, as long as it continues the path it is on now.

Modernity is not ideal, and progress brings with it the prospects of a horrible death. ISIS is modernity, and ‘Corona’ is modernity as well, and elections offer the European and Western rights modern powers, and new forms of modern racism and war. So, what do we do about this?

China, the birthplace of the virus, has found itself being admired for the rigidity of its system in its response to Corona, and was not questioned about the causes for its existence in the first place! Currently, we still expect the modern West to produce a vaccine that eliminates it, forgetting the reality of the huge failure that has afflicted modern systems, in light of the inability of their health and social systems to deal with the epidemic.

Some time ago, people in the south of Iraq discovered that jellyfish had started to live in their river. Observers interpreted this as a result of the penetration of Gulf waters into the Tigris River. This is a mere example of what human actions have done with the natural balance, a small indication of major beginnings.

There is a fundamental defect that we must start looking for. There are creatures being born outside the rules of control that we are all under the illusion have made the world order immune. The phenomenon has moved from it’s political and social level, which was more prone to manoeuver and evasion, to the biological level, pure but lethal. The world is losing its ability to entrap this phenomena. Science fiction movies have turned into interpretation tools that we have to believe. The Corona shock perhaps created a shift. We said that when ISIS was born, but the world resumed its life after the virus became dormant. It is most likely that we will no longer be able to continue our denial, a major correction is necessary, beginning with the return of the jellyfish to the sea.

Hazem El Amin
Lebanese Writer and Journalist
Published on 30.03.2020
Reading time: 6 minutes

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